Sunday, May 12, 2024

Where Are Focus Should Be

This week  I haven't  felt very  well  
with a cold. It was light a week ago 
and I  tried  to prevent  from getting 
worse. It turned out the cold did get

This morning  waking up I wasn't 
any better. It is easy  to be frustrated 
wondering  when this cold will get 

I decided  it is important  to  focus on
other people  than  myself or self pity.
I  am  not going to get better thinking 
about myself.  So I  am  thinking more
of others and praying  for  their healing.

There are others I know are feeling much
worse than me. Praying  for  people to be
healed will help not only them it may help
me as well.  I  am  not  doing it for selfish 
reasons  however whatever time it takes 
me to be feeling  better  will make it good
for now at least.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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