Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Free Spirit

We can have a free spirit. Looking 
at this could mean several different 

A free spirit  can be someone 
who is rebellious.  With a teenager
this would be common and be
negative as well.  The parents
can find it difficult if this is the

A free spirit  could be someone 
could have a lot of joy and his
needs would not be important 
to him. He may not be understood 
by his peers or anyone else for 
that matter. I  am sure  some 
would tell him to find a job
or a career or go to college.
This most likely be someone 
recently  out of high school 
or could be anyone of us.

A free spirit  could be someone 
who has found his life purpose. 
He could be unconventional in
the way John the Baptist was.
This to could be someone who
decides to be a missionary.  He
could go to a foreign  country to
serve God though the country
he lives could use him too. This
person  could begin being a youth
pastor before becoming a pastor 
of a church.

I am sure there maybe other examples
of a free spirit.  Maybe  you  are  one
of them that his own way of going.
No I  am  not  keeping  women out
of this just using a male as an example.
We may even find more women as a
free spirit. She might find a job or a
career that will allow her to be a free

I think a free spirit  may not even be
age appropriate. When someone or
a couple may decide when retired 
they can go out and help the world.
This is a good time to be a free spirit. 
Many people can be touched and
helped by someone  is a free spirit. 

Would you be interested  in  being
a free spirit  in a positive  way. 
Think about and go if you feel
this way. It may have taken you
a while to go for it.


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