Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Making A Connection

I believe it is important that we
make connections.  The first 
time can be brief.

Most people who I consider 
friends I met on a brief connection. 
Over time we meet for longer
period of time depending how
much is available.

Yesterday  I  spoke with two
that are connection  was brief
at the gym initially. I  spoke 
with both longer this time.

They are both from foreign 
countries.  The first one I
knew the first time we spoke. 
The second I found out yesterday. 

Some times it takes to find  out 
their name. The first one I asked
during the connection while the
second it was yesterday.  This 
means trust and being convertible.

The first one has been here for
two years and plans to be here
for another year. It is possible 
she will return  to her country.
She told me this yesterday. The
other one I  will ask next  time.
She is in my exercise class. I 
will probably  see her Thursday 
or Friday as she is working 

Along with making a connection 
it is good to show a first good
impression. I  have been  told
that for job interviews however 
it works for connections too.
Some people  though take time
to feel comfortable  with  you.

Make a connection  today and 
encourage  someone  too. This
could be the same person.


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