Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Setting A Good Example

There is different  ways here to set a
good example or treat people  the 
way you would like to be treated.

Along with  this others know you
on how you act. They will know
you without saying  a word. 

Those who know me say I  know
a lot of people.  It is my interactions 
with others. I  am sure you know
me just by my writing. 

I find young people  treat me with
respect. I  am  sure it has to  with
my age however I  treat them goes
a long way.

I am sure most people  we spend
time with are those that we feel 
comfortable  with and have many 
of the same.

I have a dentency to spend time
with all types of people.  A major
of others say I know everyone. 
That isn't  true of course however 
I  treat everyone  like I do.

 I figure this is my purpose and
took me a while  to  get  here
as well.  The hardest is respecting
those  who  are  different than us
especially  if  they have different 
values. It still comes down to treat
them right. There are times to tell
them the truth however times not

I hope this helps you out as well.
Main thing  is being friends right
here. May peace be with you.

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