Monday, June 24, 2024


When we discover we have a purpose 
to our lives we have to decide  what 
that looks like. In a way it is like 
starting  a business and how will
get customers  or clients. 

At the beginning we have family, 
friends and acquaintances to 
build our purpose.  In fact they
were in our purpose  before we
even knew we had one.

Our purpose includes family, work,
hobbies  and  whatever else spend
time doing. We go to the gym they
are part of your purpose or library 
or grocery store or the great outdoors. 
These would be acquaintances who
may turn into friends.

Our strategy  would be over time
what our purpose be with all these
people.  We have to make plans
on how it all works. 

With your children you and your
spouse  have to  plan on where 
they go to school whether public,
private or home school. The one
decide on how it will too. All our
areas of purpose  have to go the
same way.

I have discovered more to my life 
purpose  over the last couple years
so I  am  in the planning period 
though already  working  it out.
I hope over several  months the
majority planning will be completed.

Like me you may have added to your
purpose as well.  Like a business
you may have new customers or 
clients  too or you are planning on 
how things are different too. A
business can change on how the
world looks at it. You plan changes
to bring the new customers  in or
retain the old ones. We have to see
how the world changes and how 
relevant we are.

I hope this helps and how your purpose 
goes along.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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