Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What Should Be Included In Our Purpose

For those who are working
on their life purpose along
with everyone else encour-
aging others is a good start.

The state of the world today
giving hope and love begins
with encouraging them. Covid-
19 put fear into a lot of people
and for many they are still

Those who are out a lot may
not realize there are those who
stay home still and some still
wearing masks.  It maybe hard
to.tell since some may have
caught the virus or someone
has the flu or cold and they 
have to be out. 

The importance is not to judge
others let them know that you
care and love them.

We all have gifts and talents
along with our personality.
They are our tools to encourage
and make the world a better
place.   ♥♥♥♥

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