Sunday, July 7, 2024

Be New

Living a life of purpose means
we have a new perceptive of
what our life is like.

We should be living a new 
life as well though some
of what we have been doing
is included in our purpose.

For some they could be
sidetracked  by other things
for not knowing their purpose.

I know that I was doing some
things when I found out I had
a purpose however it brought
more of a meaning to my life. 

Along with doing your life 
purpose is to share with others
what their life purpose is too.
It is as exciting to bring others
to the knowledge of their 
purpose as well.

It is good to ask them questions
what they are doing in their life.
You can confirm they are living
their purpose in part and there
is even more for them.

May you be blessed today and
thanks for living your purpose.

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