Saturday, July 13, 2024

Being Yourself

A key to our purpose is liking ourself. 
Our personality  and character makes
as much of us as our gifts and talents. 

People  are drawn to us first by our
personality  and  character for the
most part. If we are performing as
an actor or musician  then they would
be drawn to our talent.

Most people  like those who much
like them. We are all unique however
there are others that have similar 
traits or personality  we are drawn 

The challenge  is  those who are 
different  than  us or we think so
anyway.  We might actually get
our best friends  out of this group 
if we try.

Our past can be our weakness.
What if they don't  like me. That
is natural  for  us all. People who 
come down  with mental illness 
go down this path. 

So let's  take the challenge of 
meeting  those we may feel
uncomfortable with  and see
where it goes.

In the past I  didn't  like being
in groups especially  large
ones. Also those I didn't  feel 
I fit in. Today I  don't have  that
problem for the most part.  I 
don't  even try to think about
it.  I  know they are part of my

Best wishes for the weekend 
and see who may meet for the
first time. 

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