Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Strength and Weaknesses

With our purpose  is to use our
strengths  for the most part. 
We can help  others with their 
weaknesses. We can hope
others will  do the same for

God is really  the one we go to
for our weaknesses  however 
he can still allow others to
help. It is God who gives us
the gifts to help others.

If we are sports fan and our
favorite  teams are not doing
well the weaknesses  we can
see very clearly. The same 
could be for others too. We
sometimes  stay clear of our 

We know some of our weaknesses 
but we don't want to deal  with 
them. We want to feel the best
of us. It is only natural. 

Those who deal  with  their weaknesses 
general those who have a problem
with alcohol or drugs. It isn't easy 
for them and can take time to resolve.
Some they are not able to get over it.
Those who do usually have to hit 
rock bottom before  getting help.

May your be blessed and may you
be strong with what has given you.

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