Monday, July 1, 2024

Vacation Time

It is always  nice going off on
a vacation.  We all need a break 
even one that is  a  change of 

I  know to everyone  has a
bucket list of places to see.
My recommendation  is  to
go to  one every  year. Of
course the cost might be
where you may have to do
 the top ones every five
or ten years.

During your vacation  I still 
believe we should be still 
open to our life purpose. 
How much time or where
you go will determine being
involved in your purpose. 
You will have a different 
audience to use your purpose.

You are with your family  then
they are the most important 
part of your purpose  so what
you are doing involves purpose.

Have a great week in whatever 
your doing.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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