Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Protector

When it comes to our purpose we
are given gifts and talents. Each 
are used for a function.

Yes we all have many functions or
another way we where many hats. 
In the Christian church there are 
those are others who are overseers.
We know them as pastors, ministers
or priests.

Churches  have a group of elders
and deacons or a board to help
the pastors out. There are other
offices as apostles,  prophets
and teachers. They all have a place 
though the pastor, minister and priest 
are more recognized.

In the world  or community most of
us have a function of a mentor which
is like a pastor. We might not recognize
ourselves  as a mentor however most
of us function that way and we have
a mentor too.

If you are a parent then you are a
mentor to your children and their
friends too. 

A pastor or mentor are protectors
of their flock or those they mentor.
We all go through  things we need 
protection  from.  Although I  don't 
consider myself  a  pastor or a mentor
I am a protector for others. I  am  there
when they go through  the storms of 

It is an honor for all of us to be protectors
at times. A protector or mentor is just
a couple of the functions  we have. The
gifts especially  are used to help others.
Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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