Monday, September 16, 2024

Being A Leader

In our  purpose  is  to  be  a leader. For some 
they don't  feel  being a leader and instead 

I once heard someone  say we are all leaders 
even if we are the only one we lead. Yes not
everyone  turns out to be a good leader.  It
may take some time as well. 

A bad leader  is someone  who wants to control 
each and every situation.  This not good whether 
you are in a family,  business  or organization. 

The best leaders are those who are unselfish.
They allow  others to make decisions as well. 
They make the final  decision  when they have
to. They know those under them can make
good decisions as well. They are teachers 
who will train others to be good leaders.

May today be good and your decisions right.

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