Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Being Trusting

It is important to being trusting.
This for our spouse specifically
however it works for others

If you are a mentor or being
mentored trust is very important.

Deception is happening so
much we have to trust. Those
who deceive say a lot about
trust. So if you meet someone
or chatting online with a person
without really know them they
repeat about trust over and over
again. They will become angry 
when you tell them that you have
to meet. I know this with experience.

Trust does take time though in
some cases it takes faith to believe
someone. If you have a concern
find someone who knows them.
Another you must listen and have
discernment as well. Something 
that sounds too good to be true 
likely is. Again trust can be hard 
to detect.


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