Monday, September 2, 2024

Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening go together.
I believe I mentioned  it before. 

I did a lot of speaking as a child 
however it is much better to listen
first before speaking. We can give
others so much more listening first.

We can speak what we have known
before however listening beforehand
helps out. Listening will give us new
things to share with others as well.
The new things will stay to help in
the future as well. 

It is much like when a new song
comes along that we hear it over
and over again. We can to say to
others do you remember this song
way back years ago.

Sometimes things we hear doesn't
always make sense. To speak it
we have to have the faith to do
so. It has happened to me before.
Amazing the words I said the person 
or more than one received it.

Don't be afraid to listen or to
speak what you have heard.

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