Friday, February 28, 2025

Having Success

There is nothing  in life better than 
having some  success. 

We can have a smile  on our face
when we go to bed with a success 
story that day.

Success  can come in small packages 
as well  as  big ones. Those we
not  when our children  do something 
for the first time.

We are helping  someone  to get over
an addiction or taking baby  steps 
toward it feels good  too. 

If you write  in a journal don't forget
to put in all success  stories so you
can read them in the future. 

May your day be a success. Have
joy the time it is happening. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Listening Is A Good Thing

It is a good idea to be a good
listener. God wants to speak 
to us however we must be
available  to  listen.

Often we may not think God
wants to talk  to  us for the 
reason of sin and bad behavior. 

Though God hates sin he is past
it as well.  He knows no matter
how hard we try we will  still sin
at times.

He knows us better than anyone. 
He knows us better than we do.

I am one who enjoys talking but
I  have come to know I must listen

By listening  we  may find  hitten
treasures  to. These treasures 
likely  will change our lives.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A Rainy Day

Here in  Western Washington 
we are having a lot of rain
to end  February.

Often people  get depressed  
when it rains so much. Indoors
will be a covering. There joy
can still happen. 

Have to be careful  when driving 
in the rain.  I am amazed how 
some here have trouble  driving
while it raining.

Our rainfall  isn't  as much as
much as others would think.
It doesn't  rain hard most of
the time.

Importance  of rain this time 
of the year  is more snow in
the mountains for skiing and
for electrical  power. Also
allows to have the grass and
trees be green.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, February 24, 2025

A Smile On Our Face

Having a smile much of the time
will allow you to have welcome 

They will know that you can be 
trusted and have joy in your heart. 

A smile is a talent and a gift.
Others will come to you for 

Speak  when you are asked.
A smile will say a lot.

Your purpose will go further 
with your  smile. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Gratitude and Purpose

Gratitude  and purpose  have been
important  to  purpose  after covid-19 
came on the seen

Gratitude  is a good thing to go
with our life purpose.  I was reading
where gratitude will make us have
happiness.  Knowing  our purpose 
to will make us happy. Having a
good direction  in life we will be
ready to go as soon as we wake-up. 

Gratitude  goes with thankfulness 
which is also a good thing. It is
important  not to be stressed.  

May you live today with gratitude 
and purpose. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Meeting A Player

The title may sound strange however
I met a former college football player who went to Washington State University then played professional
football in Canada followed by many 
years as an assistant coach.  He played the defensive line and coach them too. 

Since I am interested in many sports
I enjoyed our talk very much. We met at the gym I go to. We talked about baseball and basketball as well.

He grew up in Indiana so he knew
both baseball and basketball players
in that area..He had some injuries
some time ago however is experiencing trouble with his back.

He told me he looks forward to seeing
me again. It is interesting to meet
someone who played in a high level
sport. It is like meeting  anyone
who has success in any part of life.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Some Memories Do Stay

Thursday  morning  I  had breakfast  with  
a few classmates as we do once a month.

One memory  came out. I  was asked if 
I still follow baseball. I said yes I  do.

One guy said don't  you all remember  how
much Herb new about baseball  and  that
was in third grade. They all nodded  their
heads.  He then said I don't know how you
did it. I  didn't  give my secret away.

It was somewhat amazing since I  could
read very good at the time after starting 
to talk at five years old. It had been only 
four years. I  believe I was good at numbers
and I  could remember somethings very 
easywith ripition. Going over and over 
each day.

This comes down to what talent some
have that others don't.  I  am  sure you
have talents  others are surprised by. 

May you use your talents  to  the fullest. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Being a Detective

When it comes to getting to know
someone can be like a detective.

Often people hide their true feelings.
In fact we have all done it at some
point in life or quite often for that

So if you are a mentor or a counselor
that is what you do. You look for
clues in the person's life. 

I never thought of this until now.
At least being a detective anyway.
If you want to find clues look to 
someone that is close to you.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A Different Day

We know that no day is the same.
This goes whether we go to work
to the same place or we go to the 
gym or wherever. 

Some days sometimes will feel 
different despite what is going
on. I had one of those on Wednesday.

I am not considering it a bad day
just feels different than I am
accustomed. This can be OK 
and exciting. It was sort of nice.

I spoke to a woman who works at 
the gym part time. We chat some
times. She brought up that she 
doesn't know her life purpose. 

I let her know her life purpose was 
raising her children and now it
might be something totally
different. I told her it took me a
long time that I even had a life
purpose. She felt good about that.

We never know when talking to
someone that they bring up that
question. We should be ready at 
any time.  ♥♥♥♥

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

All Over The World

First of all I want to thank you
all visiting this blog from all
over the world.

Though I have been to a few
countries it would be nice
and visit where you are.

I did a little search to see what
a few countries think about
their life purpose in the natural

The ones I did search were similar
though I am sure with culture there
has to be a difference. The main
two purposes had to do with family
and having a job that allows them
to take care of their families. Both
are important for sure.

I see another purpose is to help
others to fulfill their purpose too.
Being someone who can counsel
someone or mentor is a fulfilling
thing to do too. 

May you be blessed and all things
come true.  ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What People Talk About

I realized  often people do talk 
about their careers as well  as

It is important to take to others
that are important  to  you.

They are the things that makes
us who we are. 

This important  with those who
are in the same field as well. 
We can become better  knowledge.

Those are important  to  me as 
well as do sports, the outdoors
and many other things.

We can learn better  about others
including  those who are different. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

How People Look At Others

I amm sure many people are jealous 
of others lives while some may think
they have a boring life.

I had a woman text me saying that
I  have  a boring  life. I had to laugh.
She only knows only a part of my
life where I  go to the gym a lot
and out for coffee. 

She doesn't  know how I impact 
others lives whether writing or
in person.  I  responded to her
in what other things I do.

I don't  have  a  lot of ideas 
what she does. I  know she 
is traveling  right now and
vacating. She is returning 
soon to Denver Colorado 
to take care of some clients.
She lives in Western Washington 
about 30 minutes  from me.

We have never met and have
chatted a few times online.
I am sure she believes she
has an exciting  life and she
probably does.  

The question  though does she
live up to her life purpose.  I 
can't  answer that only she can.
I know  in my case I  am living
to my purpose  and I  know it
will even get better. That is all
any of us can say. 

Our lives may seem to be routine 
however it does mean we that
each day turns out the same.

May you have a wonderful and
exciting  weekend.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, February 16, 2025

How about Sundays

I was thinking about Sunday
when I was a child. Though
I don't remember when it 
changed however stores
were closed on Sundays.
I am sure many countries
had the same.

Although I am used to the 
storesnbeing opened now 
there is something having 
people notnworking on 
Sundays. I knownto have 
to work and have other
days off where you can 
do what most do on 
Sundays or
should be doing.

In my community often 
the youth are involved in 
sportsmfor practice. I 
am not againstmthat 
unless that is your total

Some Christian groups 
meet on Saturdays 
instead of Sunday. It
doesn't matter what 
day it matters.that you 
do things you don't do
the other six days a 
week. For some it is 
a day that other parts
of your purpose.

The Jewish people who
taken it seriously have 
the Sabbath. For them 
it is to do no works
and spend time in 
worship.mIt is a day 
of rest as God did
on the seventh day 
when he  created the 

It is important to us all 
to take  some time off 
and even for a.full day. 
We will have a life  
more to we desire.  

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Going Higher

Although we are not perfect
as mentioned in the last post
doesn't mean we can't have 

God gave us a purpose which 
does mean success. Often we
haven't seen success because
we or others have gotten in the
way. Satan is the main one who
has gotten in the way.  He just
uses us or others to do the work.

There are Christian churches
that preach prosperity. Yes God
wants us to prosper however
money and finances are not the
only thing. Also when not receiving
prosperity in that fashion people 
think they have the lack of faith 
to do so. God's idea is to do his
will. Jesus Christ did what his father
God said to do. 

I am just leave it there and let you
meditate on it. In some cases 
people will try to persuade us in
our greed or our purpose that is 
true. The thing is success through
faith is  on God's  time table and
not ours.

I have gone a lot of years of not
having the success that I would
have liked. In fact it has nothing
to do with money. In my mind
that are other things like family
that is more important.

Whether it is religion or something
else many people believe that salvation
comes from works when it really
doesn't. Jesus Christ came because
nothing else has worked. I don't
want to be mean or unloving however 
that is really true.

We do what our purpose is for us
individually we will gain more talents.
It can be an increase financially
however it can be what you intended
to help others as well.

I feel success for the reason you
read and view this blog. I hope
you realize your purpose and
go for it. You receive what God
created you for way before you
were born.  Amen. 


Friday, February 14, 2025

We Are Not Perfect

Although it would be great
none of us are perfect.

Since we know we are not
perfect we should give us
each some slack. I have
the feeling it will never
happen at least much of
the time.

I know that I try to give
others slack it doesn't
they will do the same to

This does come down to
how much we care for 
each other.

At least try it for a day
anyway. 😊

Again we might not be
perfect however we should
the best shot we can.

Have a wonderful day and
may your imperfect day
be perfect. ♥♥♥♥♥

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Having Community

We are blessed if we are part of
a good community. Not only
will we have a blessed life
we will blessed others too.

Our community become strong
friends and added to family even
they are not blood.

These are people we care a lot
about and spend good time to.
They are part of our purpose as
they are for us.

Community we have common
interests. We see them on a
regular basis. Some become
good friends. We look forward
to see the community.

May your day be blessed as you
spend time with others.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We All Have An Opinion

The last several years especially 
since covid everyone has an
opinion about everything .

The truth opinions are only
that. Families have broken
out of opinions. Love should
overcome any opinions.

Options is different than beliefs
you have had since as a child.
There are those who have
changed good to evil. It is time
to return to the good. For some
that won't happen. Those who
won't their hearts have gone
to cold.

May you have an open heart
to everyone today. May rejoice
over everything that is good.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Be Inspired

I know we all need to be
inspired and encouraged
by others.

If you believe that you
know what someone's 
purpose beyond what 
they may already know
or what they do that 
others may not know
let them know.

I have much of what I
been told of my purpose
written on paper. Even
those from a decade ago
I still look at on occasion.

If you feel that writing
those words down be
more to their liking you
can do that too. Saying
and writing down is a 
good idea.

I am looking at posting
here more other subjects
than our life purpose.
I won't stop posting about
life purpose however I am
sure people would read
other things.

If you want to share something
or another  subject put it in
comments. I am going to look
at what many of you view and
what additional posts on those
subjects too.

Until next time you view a
post I say have a good and
blessed time. I will be thinking
and praying for you too. 
If you are interested you can
email me as well herbnightingale I can respond
to your email as well if you like.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Working On

We must keep working on.
It means that whatever
we do we can't stop doing
our life purpose.

It is easy to feel what is 
the point when we may
be discouraged, nothing
is happening or we are
tired by being overworked.

This is the time we must
continue on. It doesn't
mean we can't take a 
short break if we feel the

When taking a break be
sure to keep your eyes
open still since the right
opportunity could come
for you.  

Saturday, February 8, 2025

It Happened

I am not sure exactly  how  it 
happened on Wednesday but 
it did. 

I  met a woman at the gym
who had a similar experience 
as a young child as me.

We started talking and she 
didn't  start talking until she
was four and a half. For me 
it was five. Both of us had
trouble hearing.

She is a middle  school  teacher 
and does some writing as well.
I told her I  couldn't read until
I  was in high school at the
right level. Weboth took speed
reading though she did before

I told her I  was  a good writer 
as early  as 4th grade and I 
spell well too. I  couldn't figure
why I  couldn't  read at the same
level as writing  and spelling.

She told me that our hearing 
would help in our reading so
listening to audio books would 
have helped though we didn't 
have the opportunity at that 
time though someone reading
to us would have helped. 

Though I  can read visually I am
not interested  do so as much.
I  figure I  will do more audio 
books in the future. 

It is amazing  to find someone 
can relate with. I  hope to see
her once again. It shows how
destiny can work things out.

She told me that she would have
no idea that I  had a hearing issue
so young since I can articulate 
so well.  It comes down to a miracle
and mercy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, February 7, 2025

Where the Heart Goes

Our purpose comes down to where
we want our heart to go.

Our success will come down to
what we want and the heart is a
major player.

Our success maybe totally  different 
than what others may think it should

Success comes by our talents and
gifts however the heart is the driving 

Take music those who are successful 
has to do with their talent  a lot however
they play  what  their heart wants and
what they believe others want to hear.

May you be successful in your purpose 
and may your heart be happy.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Enjoy This Time Of the Year

Here in Wester Washington we 
had our first snowfall of winter.
It always seems we have it late 
most years. It wasn't a large 
amount of snow however still
freeks some people. 

The major issue with snow in
my area is we have a lot of
hills and if ice is included it
can be a problem. In this case
not a big problem.

Some people here though move
to Arizona for the  winter while
other's will go on vacation to
hotter spots.

This is another thing where those 
in the southern hemisphere are
on the end of summer and heading
toward fall.  Of course those near 
the equator on both sides the weather
doesn't change a whole lot between

Here in Western Washington winter
is more rain than snow except in
the summer. We did have a break
in rain much of January. It could
change in February.

So wherever you are and getting
ready for season change may it
go well for you. Depending on
rainfall  people can get depressed 
about it. Important to have the
understanding of it.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Having Hope

Love is the greatest gift we can have.
Hope and faith are right up with love. 

What can hurt us is self-pity and 
depression.  We can get help by 
prayer and meditation.  Along 
with that going to tge Bible and
read a lot of scriptures about 
hope. The Bible is full of it.

If you deal a lot with self-pity  
means likely you have a spirit 
of it hanging around you. My
recommendation  would be
to get prayer for it.

What helps me to is being
around children as well as
walking and exercise.  It 
allows me to not think of
myself during that time.

I really hope  this helps
many people  and may 
you have a wonderful  day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Important To Hear

No matter how busy you are it is 
important to hear as well. The 
same goes for seeing. 

Not everyone hears the same.
It is so important to though.

You may have someone walk by
you and your hearing along with
seeing you may chang their

I know that I would enjoy someone
hearing and give me a message.

May yiu be blessed this day as it 
is called today. ♥♥♥♥♥

Monday, February 3, 2025

Having More Friends

I am sure we all like to have more friends.
You have to be quite popular to have a
lot of friends although your purpose  is 
part of it.

Close friends we will only have about
a half dozen or so if we are lucky. This 
doesn't  mean we can't  leave things 
right there.

You have to figure someone like Taylor
Swift who has a large audience who
listens to her music  and goes to her
concerts still has a limited of close

Some cultures  family is the most
important  thing. They should makeup
important  part of your purpose. 
This means you are for them whenever 
you are needed and they are for you too.

I enjoy talking to people however many
are not what I would consider close
friends. Whether I  meet them once
or more often I leave a good impression. 

May you be blessed now that we are
into February.  Still important to take
one day at a time or we won't enjoy
the journey.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Having Hope

A good thing in life is having hope.
The opposite is self-pity  and 

At times I  have  had to deal with
both of those things. 

These days with focusing on my
life purpose  hope is happening 
most of the time. 

I guess it is like being  an alcoholic 
in some ways  and be as dangerous. 

I recommend  getting prayer and
to meditate on what is good.

We are in a spiritual  battle so
Satan knows how to push our 

I hope this helps others who view
this post. We don't  need to lose
more to hopelessness. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

More About You Purpose

You still wonder about your life
purpose. We all have one whether
we know it or not.

I am sure there are those who.
live without know their purpose.

Your purpose has to do with
all of you. Your character, personality,
gifts and talents. You have children
they are a major part of your purpose.
You should discover what their
purpose is too.

Look at some of my posts over
time and it will help you. ♥♥♥♥