Monday, February 23, 2015

Love and Respect

Several days ago I was watching TV news and two well-known women were speaking about submission. They both believed it in different ways; however, it did bring some controversy. I believe so because submission is a dirty word for most women, and I can say I do not blame them. As a man I have to say most men get your head out of the gutter.

In most cultures and religions the men think that submission means they can rule their women with an iron fist. Sorry it is time for that way of thinking to change. If you go into the Bible and into the New Testament and read Ephesians chapter 5 it starts out with saying to submit to one another. The next thing it says that the wife must submit to their husbands. I believe a lot of husbands believe it ends there, however, it says next the husband to love and respect their wives. I do not know the problem it sounds pretty clear to me. I believe that wives who submit to their husbands successfully are ones that have husbands that love and respect them. In fact I would say those couples that have this arrangement that most of them do not think about submission most of the time. The truth is that they live it out. I am not saying things in their lives are perfect but much better off than those who do not practice it.

I am sure there is more than two reasons that submission is an issue and love and respect is not in the equation. The two reasons are selfishness and miscommunication.  We are all selfish at some degree even at our best of times. I believe even when I try to be unselfish there is still some selfishness being mixed in.  For me I try to be unselfish so I can be liked. I am sure a lot of people are that way. Selfishness is at its worse when you demand submission in your partner and it is at its least when you love and respect your partner. I believe it really helps when you do not always get your way.

The other reason I mention is miscomm-unication. A lot of the problem is not listening to what your partner has to say. I know I have a problem with listening because I love to talk. I try now to listen to the other person. It is part of respecting them, and what they have to say. For me listening is a learned skill.  I found often when I do try to listen I am actually thinking about what I am going to say next; however, it is important to know what the other person is saying. It does not mean though that you actually understand what they are saying. I believe miscommunication comes in not understanding what the other person is saying as well as not listening. The real key is to understand. If you are having a problem understanding them let them know you are having the problem. It maybe all you need to do is get clarification.

I have more to say on the subject but I will write it at another time. I really hope this really helps you that are having problem with submission and love and respect. I hope this will make you have a stronger relationship.

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