Friday, September 4, 2015

It's September School Begins

It is amazing to think summer is over and the kids are back in school.  I am sure most people remember their first day of school regardless of the grade. I don’t remember mine very well.  In fact, it has been a while since being in school I only remember somethings in all those years.

What I remember most is that beginning of the school year I was wearing new clothes and a haircut. I don’t remember exactly what I wore but I do the haircuts in the elementary school years. I am sure the boys remember the haircuts more than the girls though I am sure they do to. Very short hair was quite popular in those years, and I am sure most boys like my brothers and I were not that fond of them we just figured that is how it was. It would have been a lot worse if we were the only ones. Throughout elementary school our mother would cut our hair, and she only knew one wait to it. She did not on purpose cut our hair real short it just happened that she way where she would cut one side and then even out the other side. Since it didn’t work to well she kept going it until we had little bit of hair left. I can laugh about it now but it was not so funny at the time.

When I entered junior high school things got better as far as getting our haircuts. I would not call it long but our hair did get a little bit longer especially when mom decided it was time go to a real barber, and she was no longer in the business. Harrah! We never had another haircut done by our mother. My hair became longer when I became a senior in high school since it was the fashion by then. Actually I was one of the first kids to have longer hair in school that was not considered a hippie. I got a little static by my brother and other boys but they followed suit before the year ended. Now I am able to have my hair cut anytime and any length I want. Well sort of since a job requires to keep it looking good anyway. I look at the kids today and most of them have it short but unlike in my time they seem to like it; however I am sure they don’t have it cut by their mother.

With clothes though luckily was another story. I was able to pick the clothes I wanted at least to some degree anyway. Until high school jeans were out so had to wear nice slacks which were fine with me; the only problem had to be careful when playing outside. I had to be sure not to mess them up and not get them dirty which were a problem for sure. Jeans would have been better and practical. When I got home from school the slacks went and the jeans came on. Other than that the slacks were just fine.

Like I said there are not a lot of things I remember about school. The few things I do remember is being sent out into the hall way for talking too much and loud along with the girls of course.  I would never forget about those cute girls in school. It even included the years I would say I didn’t like girls. I confess those years I liked girls and I am sure most boys did. I am sure it went with the girls as well. I am sure they liked the boys as much.  In fact talking with some gals I went to school with now say it was on their part too.

When I was in school I mostly liked recess and study hall when high school began. In high school I went to the library almost every single day not to study or check out the books but study and check out the girls. Also, I would go in the section of the library where you could read newspapers, magazines, and talk as long as you didn’t talk to loud. Of course, that was not me. I was usually shown the door of the library each day for talking to loud. I have to say the librarians took out all the fun being in the library.  It sort of became a game with me and the librarians on how long it would take to be kicked out. With my sense of humor there was a lot laughing going on in the library so I am sure it had a lot to do with it as well.

Another class I liked was choir in high school. I really enjoyed singing and of course there were a lot of pretty girls in choir.  I never did understand why more boys were not in choir. I guess they just didn’t like singing.

So I have to say these were the good side of school. The rest of school I didn’t like at all. It was tough when other kids didn’t like you very much, and you were not one of the popular kids. So kids enjoy what you can in school. You will be there a long time. Most of all is be kind to the other kids though I know it is not always easy.   

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