Friday, December 18, 2015

The Week Before Christmas

It quite amazing to think that we have a week until Christmas; like many say time goes by faster the older we get and it seems very true.

I am sure some people are all set for Christmas while others still have work to do when it comes to getting Christmas presents. I know I still have some work to do.

There are some who prepare for Christmas away ahead of time while others wait until the last moment. Usually I get my presents done a couple weeks before Christmas; however, this year I am taking more time. Actually I don’t have many presents to get this year is part of the deal.

My mother has a friend that gets her presents in February because of sales. Even though it may be a good time to so I have no idea what someone would want that far ahead of time. Of course, it would depend on those who you are shopping for. If I were to buy presents in February it would be for a small percentage of people that is for sure. I have to say young children would be good to wait on especially buying clothes since many change sizes throughout the year depending on their age. For young children I may buy a boy a train set in February or a girl a doll; however, often things come in and out of style very quickly. I am sure if I were to buy something that is related to the new Star Wars getting it in February would have not made any sense.  I am not sure they would have been available last February. Buying presents would make more sense in February for adults I would say. I am sure most of us will disregard the advice to shop that early. Most likely if I shopped early it would be in September at the earliest.

Another area I am sure most have completed the task is for the Christmas Dinner. Like I have said before most people make Christmas a tradition so they know exactly what they will have this year. My mother and I will be spending Christmas dinner at friends of hers so our tradition will be different this year for sure. I look forward to see what will be served for Christmas this year.

Mom and I will be going out for what we think anyway is more of a tradition dinner at a restaurant the day after Christmas better known in Canada and England as Boxing Day. For many years my mother used to have friends over on Boxing Day for dinner. Usually she had a total of ten people since the dinner room table only held that many people. She put on quite a dinner every year; however she stopped doing it about four years ago because she is now in her 90s and she is not up to it any longer. I recommended to her when she decided to stop that she would invite people to bring their favorite dishes; however she felt it was her own thing. So another tradition that ended. My brother and sister live on the East Coast so we don’t see them at Christmas any longer. They have started their own traditions.

Whatever the traditions you have at Christmas the most important thing is to remember what Christmas is really about the birth of baby Jesus who God brought into this world to bring light into a very dark world. So enjoy the next week while you prepare for a wonderful and Merry Christmas.

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