Friday, January 15, 2016

Finding Relationships

I am sure most people would agree with me that the most important thing in our lives is our family and friends.

A major problem though the trouble we have sometimes is with family and friends. Often people will become bitter because things happen between family and friends. I would say the biggest issue has to do with money. You see people that have problems with money usually go to relatives or their best friend to borrow money. Some will allow that relative or friend borrows the money and sometimes they will not. In these situations usually the borrower intends but never repays the one they borrowed from. This brings friction between both parties and breaks up the relationship. I am far from being an expert I believe it is important not to let the person borrow the money or do not expect the person will give it back. Without mentioning the parties involved it happened on both sides of my family. There was no bitterness or forgiveness to happen because the ones giving the money did not expect the money to be returned. If the borrower did return the money then it was a bonus. I believe most of the time you should not give money to someone in your family especially if it has happened several times before. I am talking about those who often go into debt and live above their means. There are others who may be in a situation that could use the money like buying a home. In those situations I would write up a contract if they intend to pay back the money or consider it a gift. Those who continue going into debt you may have to give them tough love and refuse to let them borrow the money. You may no longer have a friend or bitterness if a member of the family however you will have to explain to them that they have a problem with money and you will not help them. They may go to someone else for assistance or a borrowing institution. I am not sure why I am saying all this because it was not intention when I decided to wright about relationship but it is an important issue that many families and friends go through on a daily basis.

I feel though that relationships are hard even without issues. In fact my experience is finding a good relationship is hard to come by. In fact I would say if you have more than a half dozen close friends than you are a very blessed person. My experience is that most people we have in our lives are acquaintances. This is OK as well because more people we spend time with even if they are acquaintances the better we are off. The close friends we have we should cherish very much. We should spend as much time with them as possible and let them know that we do not take them for granted.

Thinking more about relationships I believe from a young age we are into on the job training. No one whether parents or teachers tells us how to build a relationship. Generally we are told at a young age no. Other words if we are doing it wrong we are told so. I remember being in class in elementary to stay quiet and often sent out to the hallway for several minutes for talking too much. I understand why because there is time for teaching however I believe now that besides recess to spend time with our classmates the teacher should allow us to spend some class time to do so. My idea would be to spend up to fifteen minutes a day with another classmate in conversation. Each day you would spend it with a different classmate. This way you would get to know them better and be with someone you don’t know as well or up to this point you are not good friends. In this way you build relationships and gain more friends.

I hope this all encourages us to go out and meet new people regardless of our experience in the world of relationships. Now I have to say is good luck and be a better person.

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