Monday, July 18, 2016

Having Fun!

 I figured since the last writing it could be good to stay on the same theme some times. Going with using one word so having fun is a good thing; this is especially true what is going on in our country and world these days. We need to feel good and have a lot of hope under these circumstances.

When I see pictures of myself as a kid though there is not many around these days I always have a smile on my face. Not everything was perfect growing up that is for sure. I had my challenges which actually turned out to be good in the long run however I did have some fun along the way.

I see children quite often whether it is at the grocery store or at the coffee shop to name a couple places. I know that there life is not perfect just like mine was not but most of them have a nice smile and get along well with their brothers and sisters. Here in Gig Harbor they say that most of the population in the next twenty years like me very retired however there seems a good percentage of families around for sure. Though the middle class has been decreasing over the years there is a good number here because the cost of living is higher in Gig Harbor then even the towns’ close by. Seattle for instance is still higher.

I think as adults we can be more like children and enjoy having some fun. Life is stressful in so many ways as adults with work and keeping things going but we must have fun among the problems. I know to that though there is a purpose and destiny in my life having fun should be part of it as well. Without fun our lives could lead to being cut shorter if we do not change things. Stress could lead to a lot of unhealthy living which is not good for us or our family. We can’t leave our spouses or children without us and this includes the grandchildren too. They make our lives feel real good. So whatever you consider being fun go out and do it whether it is a round of golf or going for a walk. Important to slow down and smell the roses as what could be said. Let’s not have the children have all the fun.

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