Thursday, August 25, 2016

Good Things Will Happen

 Sometimes it takes faith because circumstances don’t always make you think that good things will happen. We live in a world where life is not always fair. We may be born into a family that unkindness happens instead of love or our health doesn’t allow us to have a life like the normal person.

I believe sometimes we have to decide to make things right because everywhere around us is wrong. I am not saying that comes easy and that everyone can know that they can overcome the circumstances they live in. Many of the rich knew how it was poor because it was how they grew up living but doesn’t mean that all the poor can find a way to become rich. Some people are driven or have a talent or got into a place that circumstances changed. What we can do is to help those who need the help. Sometimes all a person needs is a helping hand or have someone send them in the right direction.

My life did not start out going the right way because of illness and getting burned. Only a few seconds my life could have ended or been in much worse place. I had to work out where things had to change because I would not have been a normal child where I could read and write. It took several years for me to become a good reader and writer. I had a hearing problem as a small child along with being burned at four years of age. The blessing was that I lived and I was not burned on my face which may have happened if my mother did not come quickly to put it out and my father driving fast to the hospital. Actually it began with my sister noticing that I was burning and shouting out to my mother. I have to say I was put into a loving family with good parents and not everyone can say that they have. Often bad things happen because children are not born into the right family or something may happen to their parents. Sometimes one or both parents die while the children are small. Actually any time during childhood a parent dies is a poor thing for the child. In some cases a child can still have a normal childhood but most times unfortunately it does not turn out that way.

What I see is that every new morning when we wake up good things can happen. There are times where we may have to decide that we will make those things happen though everything around says something different. I see children running; having fun and playing games though in my mind I wonder how that can be. I have seen videos where children in poor countries who do not know where their next meal may come from. They may even have little chance to become an adult because of starvation but they are still having fun and laughing. I believe that is a spirit that is built into each of us. The older we get the situations that surround us we could lose that spirit. Those of us who recognize where other people are at we have to take the responsibility to help those who are not walking that straight and narrow road to get back on the path. Not easy to do or to find but we must have the challenge to do so. Again all we need is a little bit of faith for good things to happen. This gives us a purpose and makes us to be champions. When you wake up in the morning say to yourself I am going to make a difference in this world no matter how things look right now. Helping others at the same time you are helping yourself. A time may come where someone else’s hand can help you; God’s blessings to us all. Amen!  

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