Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lighten Things Up!

What has been going on in the world with shootings and the Presidential election coming up in the USA along with what I have wrote recently I feel like we need to lighten things up too.

The world has gotten so negative in so many ways where I am sure people are confused and wanting to know answers. This is the reason that we must know that we have a purpose and destiny. We must have the answers to give others. What our purpose first of all is hope and faith along with love. The bible speaks of these three things and the greatest is love. In 1Corinthians 13 it tells us exactly what love is. It is quite interesting because I think we all have different definitions of what love is. Again love is more than a feeling it is something we decide to do. Living in love will bring the hope and faith in our lives along with happiness. Also when times get tough love can help us get through these times.

The hard part of love is losing those who we have chosen to love. I realize that grief works different in everyone. How I have grieved can be totally different than someone else’s. The key is to be there for those who we care for when they have lost someone so dear to them. Often is giving them a hug and maybe not say even a word. The grieving period can be different for each person as well.  In fact I am not sure we realize how long a period we have been in the grieving process. We could think that we are over it and we still might be in it anyway. The important thing though is to realize that even when grieving is over we still will remember them for the rest of our lives. There may be days we don’t think of them though I am sure we will a lot especially on the important days like their birthday, anniversaries and holidays. Those who are gone that were important in my life I think time and again. Those who real close I may think about for a few minutes every day or a week while the others it could be a month or year.

So it is important that we do lighten up despite whatever has been going on in our lives or around the world.  It is easy to get into despair but I believe we must lighten up and relax with those we know. Even those we don’t know quite as much to put on a smile and a happy face. This will allow us to focus on everything that is important to us.


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