Thursday, September 8, 2016

One Word

I have heard a pastor Dale Gentry out of Oklahoma say “One word can change your life”. I believe that is a true statement whether it from someone like him or from someone else.

I think it true so much that I believe we can speak into other people’s lives that can change them too. This is why I believe having a purpose and destiny is so true. We can use a word of encourage that in their mind they become a new person. Also I believe a smile or a hug can do the same thing. I know whenever some does that toward me I feel like a whole different person. I have to say the more I receive a smile or a hug I feel the person I was meant to be. I feel as though I am being acknowledged by another person for who I am. Another using our gifts, talents and personality; yes I truly believe our personality can change another person’s life as well. If we are a person that uses humor in our daily life people will feel better as themselves.  This does not mean that you have to be a person that is funny you just need to use what will help others. Another strong gifting is hospitality. I believe most feel good about themselves when they are invited over for lunch or dinner.


So if you are one that uses few words you still can change others’ lives. In fact I have to say that you may be changing people’s lives without even realizing it. See how many people come to you just too ask questions. Of course they are probably changing your life at the same time. Look back a year ago and think how much you may have changed in that time. It is possible that you are smiling more yourself now.

If you wonder how much you have changed asked your closest friends. I am sure they will answer you honestly. Also ask them what kind of impact you have made on their lives. It is possible you will be surprised. One thing to is ask yourself what one word would you like to hear that can change your life. Today I hope that you are a new person.


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