Thursday, January 19, 2017

Encourage Our Friends

 None of us really know how much time we have left in this world? It could all be taken away in a short period of time so it why important for us to encourage our friends well as other people we meet.

I believe it is important for us to look around and see how people are doing. Sometimes we have our focus on ourselves instead of others. It is understandable because we are all selfish to some degree or another. Even when we are looking to help others it can still come back to us.  What I mean by that is we want to feel fulfilled by our actions and deeds. It is OK long as we don’t get into ourselves too long.

I have had times where I wondered if anyone really cared. It has happened while I have had to deal with depression and being in a dark place in my life. Often this is when we feel selfish at the core and we really do need to help others if nothing else for our own sanity.

One of the most common questions we all have heard is how are we? Most of the time we say that we are fine when actually we are lying to others and to ourselves; I know this may sound wrong but that is really the truth. We don’t always want others to know how much we are hurting. I know this by my experience. On the positive side we can help others conquer what they are going through because we gone through similar circumstances. I would have to say that is what makes a good person to help others.  In a way it is self-therapy. Heal thyself by helping others. In a way we are being selfish however other people are getting a benefit from it.

In the end since our time could be short this can be our purpose and destiny to help those in need that are going through the same things we have.  Today they maybe our new friend and we may need their help sometime too. It is OK to be selfish long as you are motivated in the right way. The more we do things we can become less selfish. Who knows we may see a new person in us.

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