Thursday, January 5, 2017

Enjoying Your Life

 I have to say it is not always easy for us to enjoy our lives. A lot of people make it difficult to do so.
We can choose to enjoy life or not. I believe a lot of the reason people don’t enjoy life is because they are way too selfish. Actually we are all selfish but the key is what we do with it.
I am not sure if I have the answers to enjoying life but I figure to explore it the best I can. First thing is to love God with all of our heart. I am not here to judge you or try to persuade to do so but it makes life a lot easier and enjoyable I can tell you.
Another thing is to make as many friends as possible at the same time knowing that you probably still won’t have a lot of close friends. Everyone needs friends and there are those out in the world that can use a friend. The key is to know that going after friends can make you vulnerable and that is OK if you realize that you become hurt in the same time.
The whole thing about getting friends is that sometimes and I can say often they could turn out to be enemies. Recognize those who  turn out to be enemies and move on. Actually you could still be friends with them but not close friends and not trust them.
I have heard on social media where friends of mine have unfriended others over politics especially the Presidential election. So many people have taken the election so personal on both sides. I have never seen anything like it in any previous elections. I guess we can say people are passionate about both major candidates. I got in trouble when I said that I was not voting for either one. I should have kept my mouth shut. The good thing no one unfriended me because of it; at least I don’t think so and I did not unfriend anyone myself. At the beginning of November through now I hide anything my friends write about the candidates. It has gotten way too overboard as far as I am concerned. I figure if they unfriend me were they really my friend in in the first place and I will go on with life. Actually I had one friend who apologized to me for being angry because I didn’t vote for her candidate. I haven’t really talked with her much since but that is more with not seeing her around much than the election.
I figure though I will be friends with as many as I can along with a good smile. If I lose friends along the way it will be disappointing but life will live on. Enjoy life the best you can regardless of the circumstances that may happen. Set your eyes on God. He will be your friend forever.


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