Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Winter Time Right Now

We have had some cold temperatures this winter in Western Washington but not a lot of snow except up in the north part around Bellingham. They have had snow on the ground since Christmas though it has been only a few inches.

New Year’s Seattle-Tacoma Airport had around three inches and some flights were cancelled as well. A lot of people around here have trouble driving in snow so it doesn’t take a lot for driving to be difficult. We have a lot of hills that make it difficult to get around especially when there is ice.

The temperatures dropping into the 20s and teens there hasn’t been any precipitations beforehand so far this winter that means the driving hasn’t been too bad. We have had some rain but the temperatures haven’t gone below freezing to cause any problems.

We had a trace of snow on New Year’s but I had no problem getting around in Gig Harbor. At this point nothing is being forecasted far as having snow. I am disappointed that we are not having snow though I know that a lot of people are OK with it.

Growing up we had years where we had at least ten inches of snow however that hasn’t happen a lot in the last twenty years or so. In fact most years we have maybe two or three inches of snow at a time.

The Cascade and Olympic Mountains this year are having a good abundance of snow after having below average amount the three or four years. I can see Mt. Rainier from Gig Harbor so I can see how it is getting a lot of snow. It takes about a two hour drive get to Mt. Rainier for snow so if you want to see the stuff or going skiing it is not a long drive. The Olympic Mountains take about two hours driving as well.

I haven’t really gone skiing however I enjoy walking around the snow and get into snow fights which is the best part far as I am concerned.

Even when we have little bit of snow I enjoy seeing it on the trees. In fact if the roads have no snow on them but the trees and the grass do I am all for it however that doesn’t happen too often. Whenever snow comes to Western Washington even when we get several inches it still doesn’t stay around very long. The longest I can remember snow staying is about a week.

I still hope that we can get some snow during the winter. We have had history of snow coming in March so we can hope for three months anyway.

This winter we have had some times where it has been windy as well. Like on Monday it was blowing quite hard all day. I am not sure how hard but I would say around fifty miles per hour. Makes it hard to go out for a walk though unless all bundled up. I hope to get out today for a walk and not feel too bad.

Anyway it is good to feel that winter is here with the temperatures and not the snow however I pray that it comes soon.

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