Friday, February 17, 2017

About Love

The greatest gift given to the human race is love. The capacity to love one another and especially one person more than anyone else; in that love is where marriage comes in.

The problem is that often we look for love in the wrong place or better known as the wrong person. Sometimes we go after someone we can’t have or at the very least doesn’t want us. Also we accept to love someone because we feel that is the highest we can go for love. Other words we may not feel that we deserve to love someone greater. The person we should be with is above our reach or someone we don’t feel that we deserve. We sometimes settle for someone that is below our level of love. There may be nothing wrong really about that person but we have decided we can’t reach the stars to speak of. I believe this is where marriages don’t work out. Also we may believe the person we should really be with will not truly love us. I sometimes wonder how anyone really falls in love but it happens all the time. Being single I am still waiting for the right person.  I don’t want to settle for number two or three or whatever.  I want my soulmate or true love or whatever name you put on it.

Another reason we have love is that God loves us so much that he wants for us to love him in return. This is where we go into error as well because we accept a lower of love. We may not believe our parents or our siblings love us. We look for unconditional love but we feel that there are conditions on love. What it comes down to is that our minds are being lied to and goes into our hearts too.

I have decided that when I read the bible I am going to see every sentence and paragraph that love is mentioned. The word love may not be in the sentence but I am going to see if the meaning of love is in each sentence.  I want love to go from my head to my heart.  When my true love comes into my life I will not have my heart divided. In my mind I know that God loves me however I want my heart to know the same thing too. I will let you know how all things work out. If you have that true love in your life hold on tight to her or him. Amen!

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