Monday, April 3, 2017

Be Kind to Ourselves

 When we are born others tell us how cute and funny we are. We get a little older we’re told what not to do. You know in those terrible twos. When we enter school is when things really come in. This is when we often get made fun of and we do the same thing as well.

I hope that most people have positive affirmation from their parents so the ages we are in school aren’t so tough. We are told how bad or stupid to name a few things. In some cases we tell other kids the same thing. This is the period where we should be really encouraged however we become discouraged instead.

The whole thing is we believe in a lie. It many ways it sounds like the truth which is not far off either. At this point in life or may be a few years later we become our hardest critic. More than believing what others think of us we think of ourselves more in the negative.

We strive to become someone so that negative will be driven from us. The problem is that the negative continues to be in our minds even when we are being successful.  When we have children we try to love them in the manner we may never felt ourselves but we stamp unworthy expectations on them too.

This is where we should not only encourage others to be the best that they can be. They don’t have to listen to the lies they have heard their entire lives we need to do the same for ourselves. Every day we need to lift ourselves up. We must decide that we will never listen to the lies anymore. We will strive no more to be the person we thought we’re meant to be. We will live the rest of our lives being ourselves and loving ourselves. We will say over and over again I love me.

This will not only benefit us however everyone else around us. This is especially true of our family. Remember you are special whether you were told that never before. Have a great week to enjoying yourself.


  1. Well said and so encouraging. You never know who really might be desperate for a kind word, some hope. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you Diana! it is really good to hear comments like yours.
