Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Meeting New Friends

I always enjoy meeting new people. Some turn out to be friends while others I enjoy when I do see them.

My friends I see more often than I do my family because they are nearby while my brother and sister both live on the east coast. Some friends I consider them as family too. I believe family can be more than blood though there is something special about true family.

On Easter Sunday after church I went with my mother to a home of someone that she has played bridge with. I wasn’t sure how close they were however I was glad that she was invited going to her place. I did find that my mother was good friends with her husband and daughter as well. The other people who were invited over my mother didn’t know most of them either. I say the group was between ten and fifteen.

I found the hostess, her husband, daughter and everyone else to be charming. They all treated me like I was already family. The time spent there went by very fast because of the good times. When we were leaving the daughter told us that we are welcome at 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas along with Easter. Her mother was the hostess but the event was at the daughter’s home. I hope to that I will see the others next time as well.

So if you have friends like this remember how blessed you are and cherish them as much as you do your blood family.

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