Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Being Affirmed

Being encouraged by others is a good thing to hear however being affirmed is even better. I know that there is really not any difference between encouraged and affirmation but I think there is a little.

Being encouraged is for someone to tell you that you can make it regardless of the circumstances while affirmation is someone telling you how wonderful person you are. Being affirmed you may hear words that you have never heard before from another person or not in a while.

Often we have heard words about us that have been lies. These words we heard first when we were young. Other words we believed in lies and now we are hearing truth about us.

I guess you could say that we are being encouraged because we are being affirmed. Whatever the case we are hearing positive words in our lives and for some it could be the first time in their lives as well.

Actually the definition of affirmation is speaking or hearing truth. Encouragement definition is inspiring someone with confidence. So when you are affirming someone you are inspiring them as well. You are putting confidence in them that they can build on.

Another way to look at it for you to encourage someone affirms them. What mighty tools to use. A couple weeks ago I was affirmed by someone. I have felt better ever since because of truth. I no longer have to believe lies.

What my encouragement is that we affirm others. I know that we all have not heard the truth all the time. If we have then we are in a small group. Keep your ears open to hear what others maybe saying about themselves. When a negative word comes out of their mouths respond back to them. This is especially true if the negative words are about themselves.  You wonder what you should say to them. Start off by saying “wait a minute I have something to say in what you have said or that you want to respond to what they have said”.

This all could be a new world to us. Affirmation may bring us new friends or change the lives of old friends. Whatever the case I think it is exciting to have this as part of our life of purpose. I am sure whatever you do in this area you will be a happier person as well. God bless you in helping change others’ lives.

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