Thursday, May 4, 2017

Believe in Ourselves

To be able to fulfill our purpose and destiny we must believe in ourselves.  This begins with knowing who we are truly are. It doesn’t mean we have to think of ourselves higher than we ought to but to know who we are meant to be.

I have mentioned that often we have been lied to even as a young child that we aren’t a good person. Whether is done by our peers or adults we are special people not what we have been told negatively.

We are blessed if our parents and others close to us that we are special and loved. This is where it all begins. We must know that we are loved. Being loved is the first step to become who we are meant to be while at the same time we are told otherwise than we are away from whom we are meant to be.

Tell yourself over and over again that you are loved. At least you are loved by God and yourself no matter what others may say or think. There can be things in your way that keeps you from your destiny and purpose right now but doesn’t mean that you will forever not be able to accomplish them. If you know what gifts and talents you have make sure that you use them to the fullest despite the odds may be.

The best thing is that you are able to get the best out of other people too. People are the best asset that you have. Jump for joy and be at peace with yourself. You are blessed because you love yourself. No one can love you as much as you love yourself except God. The most important thing is not to compare yourself with anyone else because you are the best and no one is as unique as you are. Remember this all the time no matter what happens.

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