Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hello Judi and Scott

 A couple of my friends Judi and Scott are traveling around the United States right now. They started their trip around last Thanksgiving and probably won’t return until the fall. They began their trip in Oregon and went along the west coast. They made stops in Oklahoma, Texas and Tennessee on the way and currently are in Rhode Island.

They are on a trip I would call once in a life time. I am sure most people who travel a lot still don’t take about a year off on one trip. Also Judi and Scott are not retirement age yet so this makes it quite unusual as well.  They are selling products on line as well during this time to help with their expenses.

Judi and Scott are planning to buy some property in the Gig Harbor area when they return. They had lived near Seattle when they sold their home.

What has been exciting to that their family and friends including myself are able to keep up to date with their travels. They show us pictures and do videos updates where they are at. I have talked to them on the phone a few times as well.

This trip I am sure has made their relationship stronger as well. I am sure at times things haven’t been easy and that they miss their family and friends as much as we miss them. We all look forward to hear more about the trip on their return. The parts they haven’t mentioned already.

So if you run into them while they are on their travels give them a good handshake or a hug for me.  I look forward to the time where I can take a similar trip as long as my health stays good. There are so many places in the United States I haven’t visited before either. 

For those of you are traveling this summer have a safe trip and have yourself a great time. Let your family and friends are included in your travels. Best wishes and be safe.  

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