Thursday, July 6, 2017

Desire of Our Heart

 The desire of the heart is something for us to press on toward. Relationships can be hard at times and when they break off the heart becomes broken. At this point you wonder if you will get into another relationship and have a heart that is whole again.

Often most people go through at least a couple relationships either before or after marriage. These are the hardest to deal with because you have put so much energy into them along with your heart.

Although I am not an expert by any means I find that most relationships that end it is the fault of both parties however sometimes one of the partners doesn’t realize they had anything to do with the breakup. I had a couple roommates who thought that way. They couldn’t believe that their relationship ended and it had to be totally the fault of their partner. When I heard them talk to me it was obvious that was a good deal of the problem.  Somehow they overcame how they felt because both of them have remarried and are in solid relationships. I expect they finally came to the conclusion that they had been part of the problem in their first marriages.

Though marriages do have relationship issues at some point or another I still believe a couple can overcome them. My question is do they really want to. This is where pressing on comes in as well. I have to wonder does the relationship mean something to both partners or have they given up believing the next relationship will be better. I am not sure whether a second relationship will be better than the first one. I have heard about people going from one relationship to another several times over. I wonder how healthy that really is.

Relationships that struggle don’t have to be just marriage they can be friends or family members as well. I have talked to men and women who haven’t had a relationship with a brother or sister in years. Most cases this is a brother or sister from another marriage. I believe it is important to get back together in these relationships. I have been blessed to have good relationships with my siblings.

I am not sure whether I have any more advice in this matter however love can become the center piece of any relationship and never give up on your desires. I feel this is what pressing on means is never giving up no matter how far you must go.

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