Saturday, July 15, 2017

Think Positive

Last post I wrote about having faith. If we lack faith than we can become discouraged and feel sad; in this case we would have to start thinking positive to return to having faith.

Last night I became discouraged and distraught. I had a lot of that when I was a child. I would feel very sad and alone when I went to bed. Often I would go to sleep crying. Now as an adult I recognize the signs though I have gone into despair at time. Last night it wasn’t anything specific that made me feel discouraged. This is when I realized it is important to think positive. It may take some time to do so however like I have mentioned before about being happy and other emotions it is a choice we must make and I feel the same goes for being positive.

I was able to get a good night sleep despite the feeling when I went to bed however when I woke up the feeling was still there. So it is important that I think positive or I could go into a dark place and be depressed.

I have to remember that today is a new day and whatever I felt yesterday should be gone. Also here in Gig Harbor we are having our annual Art’s Festival. Couples of my friends have booths where they are showing off their art. One of them it has been a few years since I have seen him so it will be great to catch up with him. Also another friend along with his wife will be playing music during the first couple hours of the festival. So not only will I be seeing them I am sure that I will see some other friends to while visiting the art’s festival. This now is the 34th annual festival in Gig Harbor. So it is a tradition now. I know that I will have good spirits seeing whomever I can.

If you have similar problem being discouraged and depressed start thinking positive; we have a lot to be thankful for though sometimes it is hard to remember. Also you are in the area stop by the art’s festival. It runs both Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 5 pm.  

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