Monday, September 4, 2017

What Would You Want to Say

We all have something to say that importance is to figure out what it is. Another thing is whether anyone wants to hear what we say as well. The truth is that people do want to know what we have to say however we have to decide what it is.

I believe it goes back again to our gifts and talents. Like I will say over and over again we are here for a purpose and destiny. We are here right now because this is time that God wants us  to be here and that we can make a difference. So it is through these gifts and talents along with our purpose, destiny and being here in this time that we share them all along with our experience.

I let you know it is not all easy because what we say it is important that we think about what we want to say. You can do that by meditating throughout the day and have a journal next to you where you can write down your thoughts. They can be a paragraph however a sentence or one word if that is what you want to do. The important thing is to write it down so you can remember. It is like your grocery list or if you want to go further your bucket list.

Thinking of bucket list just came to my mind that is what you can share with people as well. You can let them know what you have done and what you would like to do.

OK I am going to stop here and allow you to start thinking what you want to say. Remember you don’t have to say it in front of a large audience you can say it to a few friends or even one person. Best to you I know those you choose to share with will enjoy it. Also have a great day!

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