Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Traveling Man

We all have been called by God for a purpose in life. For some it is a family to have and to love while others it is to go out into all the earth. There are those are called by God to do both.

Luke 14:23 says to go out to the highways and byways to compel for others to come in. I figure at some point that is what I will do as the traveling man however right now I am taking care of my elderly mother well as encouraging others right here. There will be a time when my mother will go and then it will be my time to actually to hit the highways and byways. Not only will I continue to encourage others right here but on the road as well. There are hurting people who need help to be brought in to the kingdom. It is all our jobs though we are each called to do it in different fashions. I am not sure this is the way I want to do it but this is the way it looks right now. I figure that is what I am called to do.

In a way I am to be a caregiver to others in the same way I am doing for my mother right now. I am on the job training for the future working and with that will come adventure and reward. Whatever we do in this life nothing really better to do than have an adventure and a reward. So whether you are meant to be where you are at right now or to go into the corners of the earth in many ways we are all traveling through this life of ours. Amen!

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