Sunday, November 26, 2017

Living In Our Purpose

As you are aware if you have been reading this blog for some time my purpose is to encourage others. Living in our purpose and destiny isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Often we can be distracted by other things.

Whether you believe in the devil or not his main purpose is to get us off track when it comes to our purpose and destiny. He knows that if we are living in our purpose and destiny fully there is no way for us to be stopped and he doesn’t want that to happen at all. So he throws distractions in our way. Often it is in ways we don’t realize it is a distraction. Of course our daily lives in itself can be a distraction. This is true when we are doing other things that are not part of our purpose. Also our health can be a distraction too; if we are hurting for whatever reason this will keep us away from fulfilling the purpose and destiny.

What must we do then? Well the first thing when we get up in the morning is to pray that we will be able to fulfill our purpose for the day and that we will be strong not letting distractions get in the way. It doesn’t mean that distractions won’t come because they will however we have to be able to manage our time where they will not be overwhelmed and at the end of the day we realize that our purpose was not done.

I hope this encourages you for this day and all the days to come. We all need people that will encourage us to live in our purpose and destiny. In fact we need to hear from our closest friends what is our purpose and destiny because often we may not know it or we have more to do as well. Have a great day and may you be blessed greatly.


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