Wednesday, December 6, 2017


The theme for December should be love. Of course there are a number of meanings for the word of love. I won’t get into all of them the important one for this month is the true meaning of love.

What I mean is that we all search for love and those that find it are very blessed. This love is mentioned in 1 Cor13 of the New Testament. It explains that love is patient and kind along with being selfless. This means that the love of others is more important than anything else. Often people are selfish when it comes to love and in that case they really do not love at all. They may do something selfishly and explain it by saying they did it for love. In their minds they may be explaining their actions however it is not really love.

We are all looking for love and those who find it are blessed in many ways that they may not even realize it. Usually love is lost because one or both of the parties are trying to control love which turns away from love. I would call that jealousy because others love the person as well so one of the parties becomes jealous. You have the love that a man and woman share together while love can between friends as well however someone can come through and try to split up the love between the man and woman. I would call that lust over love. You truly love the other person even when they are with someone else it is best to leave that relationship alone. I know it is not easy however you love them you want the best for them and that may not be you. I know that is hard hearing or accept however it is the truth.

So the love that comes through December is the love that God has for mankind. He saw the pain and sin that man was causing knowing that it would never be turned around so he sent his son Jesus Christ into the world so that love would be the answer once again. In December we celebrate the birth of Christ and then at Easter we celebrate his death and resurrection. God did this all because of the love he has for us all. We need to accept that love he has given to us freely. In December we not only celebrate that love we do so through loving each other as well. We give gifts and presents to each other to show the love for one another. However you celebrate this month do it fully in love and denying yourself putting others first. Amen!

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