Friday, January 19, 2018

A Good Sneeze

A few days ago my mother mentioned something to me what she read in the local paper. She always seems to tell me things like this for some reason. Maybe because mothers are always mothers. She told me an article says that is OK to let a hard loud sneeze go and not to stop it. I told her that I always do even if I don’t cover my mouth. She said that there would be a problem that isn’t good if you try to stop it. I thanked her for telling me though it wasn’t really necessary. I am thinking a good sneeze is like laughing a lot it is a good idea. We will live a lot longer this way or at least we will have fun in the process in figure. This goes for a smile as well. These things along with exercising will help us stay around longer though I am sure our genes help a lot more.
So this is my advice to us all coming from my mother or should say the article she found and read. One thing I know to is that our lives are more stressful than our parents and their parents before them. I am sure that stress doesn’t help to living a longer life. On the plus side at least we have pills to take that help with blood pressure and all that jazz. Speaking of jazz I am sure music helps us as well. Of course loud music can cause us not to hear as well when we get older but that is a story in its own. A little tongue in cheek.
I wonder now because of my humor I should write a bit more like this. I know my purpose is to encourage everyone however being serious all the time can be a drag as well.
In other news my brother Jack will be coming to town tomorrow. It will be really good to see him and mother is real thrilled about it. I guess that I am throwing in a lot about mom today. Speaking about her once again she is a funny lady even at age of ninety-seven. She recites a lot of poems. I call it a poem for every occasion. At least it feels that way anyway. I don’t know about all older people however she acts like she is five much as being ninety-seven.
I hope that you are enjoying this very much. Like I have said I am trying to evolve this blog as time goes by. I would like to write about memories however it is hard for me to remember some things from the past. I am sure that I am like most people where some things from the past want to forget anyway. I will leave this here right now I might be rambling. Enjoy the rest of your day and you will hear from me again tomorrow.

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