Saturday, March 3, 2018

Being Real

Being ourselves is being as real as we can be. Thinking back to my childhood I know that most of us tried to be someone else besides us. I am sure that most knew that it wasn’t us.

Probably the reason we tried to be someone else is that we got rejected often for being us. The world is not a kind place and we find that early on with our peers. I know later on we regret some of the things we did and said to others.  This of course happens after high school most likely when we have gone through the stages of bullies. We all were bullied or were bullies or knew bullies. With social media now it has gone to whole other level. It is amazing that we survived our childhood. Unfortunately there are some who didn’t think they could and took their lives. They didn’t know that it was only a small piece of life.

Being real is standing up for yourself no matter the obstacles that are in the way. Rejection is not easy to live with but not being real can be worse. So not only stand up for you help others to stand up as well who don’t know they can stand or how to do it. The world is a tough place to be at times however those that are real know how to be tough as well. You will be amazed how your perspective will change.  

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