Tuesday, April 3, 2018

It Isn’t Easy

One thing we do know this life it isn’t easy. We start out crawling before we walk. Everything has a beginning before an end.

 I amazed how much faith many people have under difficult times. Faith is what allows  them to make it through it all. There are two other wonderful ingredients included they are hope and love. All three makes life worth living when the times are not easy.

I shake my head for those I have known that have gone through things over and over again. They seem never to get a break but they keep pressing on. They choose to be happy and joyful during the bad times well as the good. These people are an inspiration for us all. You can’t keep the tough ones done at all. They will pick themselves up and keep going no matter how many bumps in the road.

So when life isn’t easy and you could use a break remember that you can make it. Most likely there are those who having a harder time than you. I think of those hard times where I can still laugh and tell jokes. Light can come to shine and take away the darkness. Peace to us all today regardless what today brings us. Rejoice that life is worth living and we have a place in it.

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