Saturday, May 12, 2018

Our Health

I know that I have talked about our health before however it is hard at the same time. Recently I was at my cardiologist and she told me that I need not to eat dinner and make breakfast my biggest meal. I find that is really hard to do despite the fact I am trying hard. Also ok to eat a light lunch. My thought right now would be to eat a late lunch so be so much easier not to eat dinner. I have been exercising, stretching and walking almost every day but it still hard to take off the weight. I haven’t been gaining any weight thankfully unless I go up a pound or two for a couple days and then back down again. The reason for that is I retain water so I take pills for that and then I take an extra one later in the day when I do gain the extra pounds. I hope that I can get to not eating dinner at all or just a very small amount. I am expected to take three pills during dinner so the reason to eat at least a little or the idea might be too with the late lunch. I may try that to see how that works. Not an easy task at all for sure.

The importance of it is to be able to stay healthy and live longer so I can continue doing the purposes I am supposed to do in life. I have known about ten people around my age who have died that I went to school with. In fact just this week a young brother of a classmate died of a heart attack. He was a couple years younger than I. It is sad to think that he died younger than he should have. He had a lot to offer though I don’t think he lived a life as he ought to have. I am not judging him I just feel that way. Everyone is responsible for the way they live and we can only help those we can to go the right direction. In the end it is all up to us isn’t it. I know that I haven’t always lived up to what I should. I am making every effort to do so now though I know that I still have ways to go like we all do. Like I have said before we must press on toward the finish line as though we are running a marathon and not the one hundred yard dash. So keep health good and do your best. Amen!

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