Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Keep on Going

Whatever our purpose is we need to keep on going. It is easy to give up at times but we must say yes regardless of the circumstances.

Often unbelief is what makes us stop along with the circumstances in our lives. It is those circumstances that keep us off the trail. Even though we may get tired and weary it is still important to keep moving because other people are depended on us.

Whether we know it or not other people keep their eyes on us. They are looking to see us fail and fall if they are not our friends.

I enjoy watching other people seeing what they are about. I am sure these people look at me in the same way.

At times we are not going to do the right thing however others will see us to see whether we pick up ourselves up and keep moving. This is really what makes the person of purpose.

The joy of doing our purpose even under trying times shows others what we are made up of at the same time being examples as well. It is the tough times that make us who we are.

When you need the help there is only one you can call on and that is God. He is there to help us. He gave us the gifts and talents however he has given the free will whether to use them or not.

Remember in the bad times that you want to be a faithful person in all that you do and in the end you will finish the race.

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