Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dealing With Opposition

In some form or another, we are dealing with opposition. It can be from people who may not accept our purpose in life or in the spiritual realm.

One of my purposes in life is to encourage others like I try to do here. So in the spiritual realm, the enemy which you can call Satan or the Devil will harass me with discouragement.

Although I believe most people deal with discouragement in some form or another for me it is with me on a regular basis. Along with discouragement comes depression as well.

I believe discouragement along with self-doubt Satan is trying to get us off track concerning our purpose. He knows if we are able to live our life of purpose at full measure than we are dangerous to him. He wants us to live our life in a negative way or at the very least not accomplishing anything.

So when you get discouraged remember you are being attacked by Satan not to accomplish your purpose. Ask God to give you the strength to make it through to live the life of purpose for yourself. Amen!

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