Monday, March 23, 2020

Being Available

The state of the world is in right now
our purpose is greater than ever before.
It doesn't matter how bad the coronavirus
is in our own country or not.

Where I live in Washington State
we have more cases than most of
the states in America; however,
the mandates our governor has
put on will help keep the amount
of people being effected. At least
that is what we are hoping for.

Unfortunately not everyone has
taken it as serious as they should.
Our governor has had to add more
mandates because people were
unable to control their urges in
getting out.

Example our parks were overcrowded
though we asked to stay at least six
feet apart. Now they have closed the
parks altogether. I know there are
those who could use the parks to
get out of the home.

On Sunday the governor requested
those 65 and older who still have
gone to work now to stay home.

It isn't easy but things haven't
changed about our purpose.
In fact, our purpose is greater
now then ever we just have to
be more creative like using
social media to encourage others.

So whatever your gifts and talents
are use them today. Let others know
you are available to help them in
whatever they need. You need
assistance be sure to let others
know you can use the help. Amen!

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