Wednesday, September 16, 2020

All About Family

 We are all born into a family. I fortunate
got blessed with having a good family.

Unfortunately not everyone is blessed to
be born into a good family. For some they
have to wait until they have a family of 
their own and it doesn't always work out

Even under the most difficult times we 
should make the best with our families.
I know for some friends become closer
then our natural family. 

Whatever the importance is to have a
family in whatever way it works. The
important thing though is to make it 
work with our natural family as much
as we can.

We may have to compromise or let them
know we love them but it isn't working
out at the same time.

If you are going through trouble with
your family remember it is the only
one you have. Make every opportunity
to smooth things over. Of course, it
doesn't always work out.

The important thing is to make every
effort to do so. At least you know in
your mind you have done all that you
have.  Amen!

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