Saturday, December 5, 2020

What We Should Do

 What we should learn from this year. 

There has been so much negative things
said whether it has to do with covid-19,
wearing a mask and the protesting going
on in the USA.

I know that I am repeating myself, however,
we should love and encourage one another.
Even with those we don't agree with.

Have a smile on our face when we chat with
others. A smile will show we care no matter
what we say.

Often there are those who know they are doing
something wrong  saying "don't judge me".
They say it too you. Don't return saying " no I
am not".  Say "I love you". They don't believe
you there isn't anymore you can do. Keep on
moving on.

Have the spirit of the Season. Let them know the
love of Christ even though they may not believe
it. Remember it is God's job to come to him. Your
job is to water. You can only do so much.

May you have a blessed and great Saturday. Amen!

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