Friday, May 28, 2021

Life Style Changes

The older we get the more we have to
change our lifestyle. It is really true if
we want to live in a manner to fulfill
our life purpose as well.

The older we get the harder to do those
things we used to do when we were 
younger. We often put on weight and
we are not in the same shape either.
Our health will change like a heart
condition. So we have to do something
ourselves for this to happen. 

For one thing we should do a certain
amount of walking otherwise we won't
be able to walk like we used to or want
to for that matter. I see some people who
are in their mid to late 70s who can barely
walk. Of course, health issues come up 
making it hard to do.

What we must do is cut back in eating
well as getting more exercise.  Not only
am I trying those things I am going to 
try to go further. I plan to change when
I eat certain foods and how often at the
same time. Can't stop having fun in the
food department on occasion. 

I figure to walking is my main exercise
though I will do some other things as 
well. Right now I am going to walk at
least twice a day if not three times a 
day. I will begin with a walk in the 
morning and again before the sun sets.
I will walk  in the late afternoon when
I can or a day when I can't walk in the
morning or evening. 

Another thing I am going to do is go
to bed a bit later which means I wake
up later as well. I have been going to
bed earlier than I should so this will
change effective tonight.

I really hope these little changes in
lifestyle will help me out in the long
run. Thanks and safety to you as well.

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