Here in United States we are
blessed to have freedom.
We must realize there is responsibility
that comes along with it. We can't
step on others freedom.
When covid-19 began in 2020 the
government did what they thought
needed to be done. Mistakes did
happen and I am sure in the future
they won't.
I know the whole debate on wearing
masks or not. Those against masks
I am sure felt their freedom of choice
was taken away.
I am not sure masks work anyway
but there was no other alternative
except locking up those most vulnerable and that happen to
those in nursing homes and hospitals.
Family couldn't see loved ones who
caught covid.
We had the debate with taking
the vaccine. There were those
lost jobs for defying the order
of taking the vaccine. I can see
early on why people would be
weary since the vaccine came
about quickly. Personally I took
the vaccine because I knew and is
still true now if I wanted to see
relatives in Canada I would have to.
There are reasons why people
make choices but I still believe
freedom brings responsibility.