Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Sustaining and More

Sport teams and successful  businesses 
happen because they sustain and more.

They find what is successful  for them
and not only sustain  but grow on it.

God wants  us  to  be  sustaining and 
more. The reason we have the gifts
and talents  we have.

He not only wants us to be successful 
for us, family and others but for the
Kingdom  of God.  Our success will
show a bright light on the Kingdom of  
God. ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, February 27, 2023

Think Twice

I might have  to think again when taking
a nap this time of the year.

First time I woke up ⬆  felt tired.  Later on
I felt sick. This time at least not a cold.
I am going to rest more today to see
if it solves the problem  or not. If it
doesn't  probably  never do again. 
Famous last words right.  Lol

Hard to believe  naps can make you
feel  worse but does in my case in
the winter time. Have a great day. ❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, February 26, 2023


I believe writing  a journal is
as popular  as  it ever has been. 

You can use it in any form you 
would like or what you use it for. 

I usually  take notes on Sunday
during  the  sermon. I  don't 
often read them later since the
notes allows me to remember.
The great thing they are there 
when I  want them.

Since I  enjoy writing  I am  going
to journal more. Of course,  this
blog is like a journal  where I can
go back to see what I have written. 
I would  like you to go back and
read some of my posts in the blog.

We can include putting  in lists too.
Maybe list places you want to visit 
this year or in the future.

I sometimes  see people I have
known in the past. In my journal 
I  can put into account what I have
done today and who I  seen. I  can
list those things I may want to post 
here to.

A other reason  to do a journal is
to organize your life to. What you
may do this week.  Everyday you
can check off what you have done.

I will let you know when I  come up
with for journaling. You don't have
to take a lot of time. Maybe write
throughout the day one  thing or
maybe at the end of the day. 

Peace to you and may today in
your life be blessed. ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Being Special

Whether we realize  it or not
we are special. 

If we have to we need to  ourselves 
that every single day.

A good idea is to treat others as
they are special too.  A good idea
to tell  them they are special. This 
is true for those who may not think
so.  ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, February 24, 2023

Encourage One Another

As each day goes along it is important 
to encourage one another.

We all go through things so it is so
important to  do so. Our gifts and
talents will allow us to be able to
encourage  and help others.

Heading into the weekend  find
someone  to encourage. I am
sure this help for the weekend.

Encouraging others will raise 
their faith as well  as your own.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Cold Outside

February  certainly  has  been  a cold month
here in Western  Washington.  The rest of 
the week  it is either around freezing and
warming up to  41 degrees faherinheit.
What is that like 3 degrees  Celsius.

The Seattle  area had a little  bit  more
snow on Wednesday  while we had no
snow and the sun was out. In fact, we
are expecting  sun for the next couple 
days.  We are to have some rain over
the weekend  and next week, however,  
the sun is expected  next  week too.

March will start out cold but I  do hope
it does warm up  in the next couple weeks.
We are having cold winds to which is
more bothersome  to me. I have been 
wearing my hood so I  don't  catch another 
cold. I  see some people dressed lightly 
outside but I  figure their business on
catching a cold or not. I  take allergy pill
to each morning  just in case.

Over and out! 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Staying Busy

It is so easy  to stay busy. In fact 
by the end of the day it is easy
to think where did the day go by 
so fast.

My recommendation  is  take a
lot of breaks. It maybe a minute 
or two for many of the breaks.
You most likely  be more successful 
that way.

A good idea is to begin the day with
a break. You can pray or meditate.
You don't  have to  right as soon as 
you get up. Easier to figure the break 
by starting  at the top or bottom of
the hour. You can begin with getting 
your cup of coffee or tea. 

Beginning  the day of one hour by
yourself. Not easy  to  do  when 
starting  so begin with 15 minutes
and working your way to 60 minutes.

You can do this by reading the Bible 
or a book you have been reading.  Read
a chapter or page depending on how long
the chapter is. After reading  meditate or
pray. Ask God  what he would like you to 
know by your reading. Be a short prayer 
then meditate. You can do that several 
times if you like.

Best to you during your  break times. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Where Are Focus Should Be

Though this blog is about our life
purpose  for the most part the
important thing  is what our relationship 
is with Jesus Christ.

Do you have a relationship with  Jesus 
Christ or are you focused on other things.
In the the gospel  of Luke in Chapter 10
is the story of Martha and Mary with
Jesus  in their home. Martha is preparing 
things while Mary is at the feet of Jesus.
Martha rebukes Mary  because she isn't 
helping her with the preparations. Jesus 
said that Mary  was  doing the right thing
being with him. What are you doing the
preparations and not spending time with

We should know our purpose and  when to 
do them but we must not be so busy not to
spend time  with  him as well. ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, February 20, 2023

Strength and Weaknesses

We all know our strengths  and  weaknesses 
very  well.  Often we go crazy  about the
weaknesses. Otherwords,  we anguish 
about them.

The truth be told our weaknesses  are
likely  to  be our main life purpose. It
doesn't  mean that we stop using our
strengths  but the weaknesses  we have
can help others who deal with the same
issues.  In fact, they likely  have more 
trouble  with  them then we do.

Spend today working on your weaknesses. 
You may have to pray about them as well. 
Ask God  how you can get victory in those
areas. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Revival In the Land

I am sure many have heard about revival
happening at several colleges in the
South and Midwest.

It began  at Asbury  College in Kentucky. 
I know a lot of Christians  have been
praying for revival for sometime especially 
among young people.

Asbury  College is a Christian  college and 
revival broke out during their chapel service.
This has been going on for a couple weeks.
Other colleges  having revival now too. 
Look forward  to these young people to
get to know Jesus  Christ  at a deeper level
and to know their purpose as well. ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Open Yourself Up

When it comes to your purpose we need
to go especially  if travel  is included.

 Ot only you need to make plans ask God 
for the money if you don't  have the resources.
In fact ask him anyway.  Your current 
resources  might be needed for other things.

God cares and loves you so much it is 
important  to  ask him for anything. He
knows your heart  more than anyone.
He doesn't  want you  to  be  poor by 
doing what he ask. ❤️❤️❤️

Friday, February 17, 2023

Getting Back On Track

I find it not easy  to  get back on my 
dieting  after getting off track for a 
few weeks. 

It is so much like a baseball  player
when he goes into a batting slump.
I have to  get back to the basics.

I am sure that I  am  not the first
to slide and  not the last either.
Get back to eating smaller portions 
and the right foods. I  am  still  
exercising which is  a  good thing,
however, I  want to lose more weight. 
So whatever is  important in life
have to fight for it. I hope this is
good information  for you whether
dieting or something  else. ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Finding Our Niche

Many of us might know what our
purpose is but maybe trying to figure 
out what to do with it.

If you go on social  media you will
find out what people's niche is.
There are a lot hikers on social 
media  however many have a particular 
niche they go with.

They may travel  many places for people 
to view where they are or have been.
Some may hike to mountains or to
waterfalls. There are photographers as
well who take specific types of photos 
in different places.

You might not be a hiker or photographer,
however your purpose  has a destination 
or niche.

I write  about encouraging people  to go
after their purpose,  however God has more
for me than that. I  have been  called to be
a missionary in my local area as well as the
USA and Canada. My question I am trying to 
figure out how to find the people that I am  
expected to minister  to. Do I  go on my own
or join an organization. I have my church,  however 
will it be through them. Time will tell  at this

I wish you the best if your purpose is  going in a
new direction. I  will be praying for you. Please 
come into the comments if you have something
to share. Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Coldness Returned

It may only last a few days but we are 
having freezing weather  once again 
in Western Washington.

In fact we had a little  snow when
waking up on Valentine's Day. Some
school districts had schools delayed 
for two hours. Not where I  live though.

The sun came out so the snow lasted
until  about noon. Snow looks beautiful 
even for a short period of time. 

In a few days the temperatures are  to
return to the 50s and likely rain too.
We could still get snow again though
not a lot again but we might be surprised. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Loved and Accepted

Since  Tuesday is Valentine's Day it is
good to realize we are loved and accepted. 

Whether you get a card or  a gift or not
from anyone you are loved and accepted 
by God. Also, means his people love and
accept you too.

I was told at least once not to be around 
negative  people only positive  people.
They will be ones to accept you.

Monday, February 13, 2023

To and Be Loved

The greatest gift is to love and be loved.
Tuesday  we celebrate  Valentine's Day. 
Letting  those we know that they are
loved by us.

God is the one who loves us more than
anyone.  Whether we are sure that we
are loved or not he does.

Enjoy yourValentine's. You are special 
and you were created for this time.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

One Step

Hello  Sunday. It is important  to  take 
one step at a time on the right path.

It is so easy  to  get off  of the path
and go another  direction.  Our flesh
sometimes wants to do that.

We have to remember  our purpose 
and fight every day to stay on the
right path even going one step in
front of the other. We don't want to 
lose our balance.  ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Go Back

I am sure most of us think about a
trip we took a long time ago and 
would like to return. 

I took a trip when I  was  12 years 
old with my family across Canada 
and eastern United States for the 
whole summer. I  have been to a 
couple of them since.

You can actually  go back to early 
posts I wrote on this blog to read
my trip. I  certainly  like to visit 
some of those places again. Seeing 
all of them again is unlikely but I 
won't  rule it.

Have you thought  of  places you like
to see in the future that you have never
been to before. Make a list of your
five favorite places and make plans.
Go to each one in the next five years.

Friday, February 10, 2023

About Money

I think this is my first time speaking 
about money.  I  know some people 
are upset with their churches about
tithing.  Some drill it hard. Yes Jesus 
Christ talked about tithing and storing
money in the storehouse.

I  to know there are churches that talk
about tithing  a lot and I am glad that I 
don't  go to one of those churches. 
Tithing is between  you  and  God. 
There has been doctorine where you 
give more the more you receive. There
is a good possibility  that  may happen 
but it isn't for sure. They may even say
you have a lack of faith not doing so.

Though tithing  is  important  where you 
tithe is up to you. Most give to the church
they attend for where they are spiritually 
fed where I  know at least a few give to
missions as part of their tithe. Personally 
I believe  to missions is above the tithe 
but in the end is between  you and God.

Another area is saving. It is having more
money coming in then going out. Depending 
on your income not easy to  do but necessary.
God does not want us poor though there are
some who think that way to especially those
in ministry.  I  am  sure  we have all heard the

Extra income can come in numerous ways. The
stock market  or get a second job. Not one that
keeps  you away from  your family a lot. There
are ways to make money on line right from home.
Remember  the  love of money is the root of evil
not having it isn't.  ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Are You Happy Or Sad

Those who are happy because your
are doing what is right and doing your 
life purpose.  Also, you are forgiving 
others for their trespasses and yours.

The Lord prayer is  a  good  one to
follow each day. Everyone who has
gone to church especially raised in
one knows the Lord's prayer.

Those who are sad is likely  not doing
their purpose  and not forgiving others. 
Today and what happen yesterday  and
all days past can be forgiven. 

It doesn't  mean  there are days we won't 
be sad. Circumstances  happen  like a loss
of a loved one. Going through grief is normal.

When you get up in the morning be thankful 
for the day. Ask God what you  can do besides
what your plans are for the day. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I am Ok You're Ok

I have mentioned  before  I  don’t 
remember  dreams very often. Last 
night I actually  remember  a little  
bit when I  woke up.

I was stabbed in the leg by a knife.
I  am  not sure what it really means.

It is important we all stay safe. Be
observant as often as we can. It
doesn't  mean we keep looking
around every  rock.

We must have the faith that God is
in charge and he is looking after our
safety. We all have guardian  Angels 
though we don't  see them or at least
don't  think so. Lol

Peace be with you today. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Words Are Powerful

Our lives or how we think of our lives
generally  by words other people and
some times ourselves  have said.

If you know friends  that speak negative 
a lot most likely  because people  have 
given them negative  words. The same
would be for those who are positive. 

Someone  could give you one word that
can change your life for good. We should
all speak positive  words to ohers. 

It is a good idea to  think and be silent
before speaking. This is especially true
if we are in an emotional situation. We
may never be able to take back negative 
or bad words. The only thing we can in those
situations  is to ask for forgiveness.

Oh yes have a smile behind the words you
say. The smile  will go a long ways. 😊😊😊

Monday, February 6, 2023

Good News

In recent  months I  have received 
words from people about my life
purpose.  Great about it all lines
up with my purpose. 

Sunday at church I received two
good words. They  oth defined 
my life purpose.  

The first one is being a town
crier one who speaks out about
the Kingdom of  God in my area.

The second one was about the
Native Americans which I have
been thinking about recently.

It is important for me to speak 
into the life of others. Whatever 
your life purpose is God knows
everything  about it. He let you
know whether  you are on the
right track or not. He can even 
add to your purpose. ❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, February 5, 2023

How is February

Yes I know February has
only begun. I know me the month started with a cold.
Fortunately not as bad as
the last one and won't last
as long either.

The main thing we should be 
grateful we are still alive. Of
course if we are a Christian
than we have promise of 
a great time when this life

In the meantime we worship
God, accept his love and live
our life of purpose including
raising our children and help
with the grandchildren.

Blessings to you this day
and may your life be a
shining example to others.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

True Love

We have only one that loves us
more than anyone  and that is
God who created and gave us

We fail in love outside of God's 
love. The best effort  we have
is loving our family. We know 
by those we don't  know.

We must ask Jesus  Christ  who 
layer down his life for us to help
us do the same.

We are only human so our best
efforts  at times will fail. We must 
put every  effort to love others
as Christ  loves us. 

So while you are living your life
of purpose put love into action 
as Christ  did by laying down our
life. Otherwords love others by
putting  them first and have no
agenda. Amen!❤️❤️❤️

Friday, February 3, 2023

Being A Champion

We are called to be champions when
we were created. Among our life purpose.

I saw a teenage girl  in  the  gym where 
she was wearing a  shirt saying she
was a champion.  If this is what she 
believes she is in a good place. It is
important  to  be humble as well.

Someone I follow on social media is
ahiker and she shared about her life
and dealing with her mental  health.
I was proud of her to openly  share 
share life and getting her mental 
health in order.

Speaking  of  our mental  health  and
strong  holds that might be keeping 
us from all we can be for our purpose.
It is important  to  forgive  the person
or persons who have held us back.
Jesus  Christ  commanded us to forgive.
This doesn't mean that the other person's
are off the hook or you have to  have a
relationship  with  them now it means you
have released yourself. You now can be 
that person before the circumstances 
caused you to have strongholds against
you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Groundhog Day

We have to see whether the groundhog
sees his shadow and whether we have
longer winter or not.

Today is my father's  birthday.  He would
be 107 years old. He has been gone for
30 years almost half my life. It is so
amazing to think that way. He is in my
memory every  single day.

I am sue those who have lost a parent or 
both feel the same way. Look forward to
the day I  see him and mom again. Also,
my older brother  as well. ❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Meeting Together

It is important  that we meet with 
friends on a regular basis.  I  know
some who meet daily  while others
on a weekly  basis. 

Some meet for coffee  or  tea and
some go out for a walk or run or do 
both walking and coffee.

It is healthy  to meet with others.
In the Bible in Proverbs 27:17 says
"iron  sharpens iron". This  means
you can challenge  one another
and become better people.

Meeting  together can be pure joy,
however, challenging in life can help
as well. We all have weaknesses and
having another person to  help us is
really good. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️